Evidence Summaries

What is included?– What is the Mediterranean Diet?– Featured nutrients– Research on the Mediterranean Diet– Adhering to and implementing the...
What is included?– Plant based summary of evidence
What is included?– Heart health evidence summary– Cholesterol, hypertension, triglycerides, mediterranean diet, dash diet, portfolio diet, saturated fat, trans fats
What is included?– Endometriosis summary– IBS and Endometriosis– Medical Therapy and Lab Testing in Endometriosis – Nutrition Interventions and Nutrition...
What is included?– Picky eating summary– Division of responsibility– Infant, toddler, adolescent– Pediatric– Intuitive Eating for Children– Pediatric nutrition counseling
What is included?– Pediatric important nutrients– Child growth charts– Childhood growth disruptions, weight concerns– Childhood obesity– Risks with traditional weight...
What is Included?– What are kidney stones?– Environmental, dietary, and metabolic factors– Symptoms of kidney stones – Nutrition therapy for...
What is included?– What is the gallbladder?– What are gallstones?– Symptoms of gallstones– Nutrition therapy for prevention of gallstones– Nutrition...
What is included?– Fertility nutrition evidence summary– Factors impacting fertility– Fertility treatments– Dietary patterns associated with fertility, nutrients and lifestyle...