Digestive Health

What is included?– Benefits of finding enjoyable movement– Exercise ideas– Physical activity suggestions
What is included?– Benefits of fiber– Where fiber is found– How much fiber to include– Tips to eat more fiber...
What is included?– General hydration tips– Water and other drink recommendations– Signs of dehydration– Tips to drink more fluids
Irritable Bowel Syndrome Nutrition Therapy  Want to learn more about irritable bowel syndrome nutrition therapy and how to support your...
What is included?– Types of fiber (soluble, insoluble)– Examples of foods with soluble fiber – Examples of foods with insoluble...
What is Included?– What is the microbiome / gut microbiota?– Gut health nutrition– Probiotic supplements– Prebiotics– Fermented Foods
What is included?– What is lactose intolerance?– Symptoms– Diagnosis– Nutrition therapy, treatment, nutritional concerns, food sources of lactose
What is included?– Clear fluid diet guidelines for preparation or post surgery for bariatrics, IBD (Crohn’s and Colitis), cancer surgery,...
Bristol Stool Form Scale, Meyer’s Scale
What is included?– Digestive health evidence summary on diarrhea (digestion)– Includes: definition of diarrhea, potential causes, diarrhea subtypes, medical therapy,...