Meal Planning

Click here to access the Canva template  (Please note that you can freely use this resource with your clients and...
What is included?– Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, & Snack ideas inspired by the Mediterranean Diet
What is included?– Tips to make nutrition tasks easier– Gentle nutrition tips
What is included?– Patient handout encouraging a rainbow of fruits and vegetables– Eat more plants, plant-based, fruits and veg
What is included?– Snack ideas for kids, teens, picky eating, weight management, meal planning– Protein, grain, fruits and veggies and...
This is a simplified version of the Macronutrients (+ Balanced Plate) handout which also includes AMDR percentages and a second...
This handout includes AMDR percentages and a second page with balanced plate suggestions. For a simplified macronutrients handout without AMDR...
What is included?– Benefits of fat in the body– Types of fat (saturated fat, trans fat, monounsaturated fat, polyunsaturated fat)–...
Access the editable templates here (opens as an editable Canva template): Meal Builder Chart TemplateAgreement (by modifying this template, you...
Access the editable templates here (opens as an editable Canva template): Meal Builder Chart TemplateAgreement (by modifying this template, you...