047: How this RD2BE reached >50,000 followers on Instagram

The Dietitian Success Podcast by Krista Kolodziejzyk
Have you ever wondered what it takes to get >50,000 followers on Instagram? ⁠ In this episode, we pass the microphone over to our incredible dietetic intern, Miranda Galati, the @real.life.nutritionist on Instagram to walk you through 5 strategies that...

Have you ever wondered what it takes to get >50,000 followers on Instagram? ⁠

In this episode, we pass the microphone over to our incredible dietetic intern, Miranda Galati, the @real.life.nutritionist on Instagram to walk you through 5 strategies that have resulted in her exponential growth.


  • Follow Miranda on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/real.life.nutritionist/ 

  • Check out Miranda's website here: https://reallifenutritionist.com/ 

  • Join the DSC business membership here to find your community of collaborative, supportive colleagues: https://www.dietitiansuccesscenter.com/membership 

  • Check out our FREE Client Resource Kit and Business Planning Workbook: https://www.dietitiansuccesscenter.com/freebie