100: Celebrating 100 Episodes!! 10 Of The Most Effective Things I’ve Done In My Business!

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Celebrating 100 episodes of The Dietitian Success Podcast! In this episode I share 10 things you didn't know about me, 10 of the most popular podcast episodes and 10 of the most effective things I've done in my business.   ...

Celebrating 100 episodes of The Dietitian Success Podcast! In this episode I share 10 things you didn't know about me, 10 of the most popular podcast episodes and 10 of the most effective things I've done in my business. 


Top 10 Most Popular Podcast Episodes: 

  1. 081: How Dietitians Can Integrate Meal Planning Into Their Practice – https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/081-how-dietitians-can-integrate-meal-planning-into/id1504697603?i=1000550638275  
  2. 083: How to Get Clients Without a Huge Social Media Following with Stephanie Long – https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/083-how-to-get-clients-without-a-huge-social-media/id1504697603?i=1000552788960 
  3. 078: Mindset Shifts for Dietitians: Navigating Perfectionism, Imposter Syndrome and Lack of Confidence – https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/078-mindset-shifts-for-dietitians-navigating-perfectionism/id1504697603?i=1000548977817 
  4. 061: My top 5 pieces of advice for all dietitian entrepreneurs – https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/061-my-top-5-pieces-of-advice-for-all-dietitian/id1504697603?i=1000534766694 
  5. 080: Building a 6-Figure Recipe Development Business with Micah Siva – https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/080-building-a-6-figure-recipe-development-business/id1504697603?i=1000549953848 
  6. 091: Marketing 101 with Kelsey Reidl (one of Canada's Top 10 Marketing Coaches) – https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/091-marketing-101-with-kelsey-reidl-one-of-canadas-top/id1504697603?i=1000559670585 
  7. 066: Legal stuff to know for your business with Darielle Teitelbaum – https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/066-legal-stuff-to-know-for-your-business-with/id1504697603?i=1000539244560 
  8. 074: Building relationships to grow your practice with sport dietitian, Katie Jessop – https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/074-building-relationships-to-grow-your-practice-with/id1504697603?i=1000545885609 
  9. 082: The Marketing Strategy for DSC – https://podcasts.apple.com/ca/podcast/082-the-marketing-strategy-for-dsc/id1504697603?i=1000551120011 
  10. 070: Advice from your favourite nutrition business coaches, Krista (me!) & Stephanie Long –