132: How to Start a Podcast

Dietitian Success Center Podcast Cover Photo 22
In this episode of The Dietitian Success Podcast, I walk you through the high-level steps of starting your very own podcast! Links: Try DSC FREE for 7-days (available for a limited time): https://www.dietitiansuccesscenter.com/membership Episode Transcript: Hey there and welcome to...

In this episode of The Dietitian Success Podcast, I walk you through the high-level steps of starting your very own podcast!


Try DSC FREE for 7-days (available for a limited time): https://www.dietitiansuccesscenter.com/membership

Episode Transcript:

Hey there and welcome to a new episode of the Dietitian Success Podcast. I am in true podcasting fashion. I am talking today about how to create a podcast. So I’m going to go through high level. What the start to finish process looks like for actually creating your own podcast. Why am I doing this? I’m doing this because I am actually currently in the process of creating a full start to finish podcasting 1 0 1 course.

Which we are going to be uploading at the end of this month to the dietitian success center, nutrition plus business membership. So if you are a member. Business member, you will already have access to this entire course. It’s going to be a huge course. It is a huge course already. I’m so thrilled for it because I’m obsessed with podcasting. It’s been absolutely game changing for my business.

And it is such a fun process to teach. So I’m working on that right now. It’s going to be uploaded at the end of the month. Now is really the perfect time to join DSC. If you’ve been thinking about it because we’re offering a seven day free trial. And we’re only offering that for a limited time. So if you pop on over to dietitian success center.com and just click the membership tab, you will be directed to, you will see all of the free trial links.

If you’re interested in podcasting. If you just want to learn more about it and Hey, if you’re interested, not in having your own podcast, but in pitching yourself for other podcasts. Or to be a guest on people’s podcasts. I’m also going to cover that too. So make sure and join the membership. Now seven-day free trial. It’s.

It’s a no-brainer. And then after that it’s $54 a month, which for the amount of content that you get, it is That is the most affordable. High value option. When it comes to learning about business and actually going through the steps of setting up your own business and having somebody teach you exactly how to do it. So anyways, that’s my plug for DSE. Join us podcasting one-on-one course, coming out at the end of this month.

So in the last episode, which was episode 1 31, I talked about. How podcasting has been so beneficial for me and my business. And exactly why what’s the rationale behind why it’s such an effective marketing tactic. And so I’m not going to cover that in too much detail in this episode, if you make sure. And listen to that one, if you’re wait, why is a podcast so good for a business? Why is it such an effective marketing tactic?

Go back. Listen to episode 1 31. It’s a shorter episode. So in today’s episode, I’m going to walk you through high level, the start to finish process for actually creating your own podcast. Now I’m not going to get into too many details because of course I’m going to be covering that in the course, but.

Just so you understand what really is involved in creating your own podcast. And what does that look like? I

so those are really the four steps. So let’s dive into step one. What exactly does podcast setup look like? There’s a little bit of pre-work that obviously we need to do when it comes to creating our own podcast. We need to ask ourself the question of what exactly is this podcast going to be about?

Of course, we need to come up with a name for our podcast. We need to come up with a description that will be used in podcast sharing platforms like apple podcasts, like Spotify, to be able to describe to people if they click on the podcast. Exactly what we talk about, what they can expect from the podcast.

And then we also need to create cover art as well. So if you’re a podcast Lister, That when you open up Spotify, you go to podcasts. You see the podcast name and then you also see this cover art. So a piece of art that is. Associated with the podcast. And honestly, Canva has so many amazing templates for podcast cover art.

So it’s a great place to start. They make it really easy for you to create something that looks really good. And then as part of this topic, obviously we’re going to be brainstorming topics that we’re going to cover or guests that we want to have on the podcast. And then we need to think to ourselves. Okay. So as part of the setup process,

Basically how podcasts work. Is we do not. And I’ve heard this before this like concern around there being a ton of effort involved in having to share your podcast. Out to all of the different channels, like apple podcasts, Spotify, et cetera, which is actually not how it works. So the really cool thing about podcasting.

Is we have, what’s called a podcast hosting platform. Which is essentially a central database. Where we upload our podcast every week. So we upload an MP3 file, which we have recorded using a different platform. We upload it to that podcast hosting platform. I use a platform called Buzzsprout as my podcast hosting platform.

But I’ve also used Kajabi in the past. I have used SoundCloud in the past. There’s a lot of different options, but I recommend Buzzsprout. I love it. So we essentially upload our MP4 MP3 file to our podcast hosts, and then they share it out for us. So it’s so easy. We only have to go through the setup one time.

Where we connect our podcast hosts to apple podcast, to Google podcasts, to Spotify, et cetera, all of the different hosting platforms. And then from there every week, all we have to do is drag and drop. Our MP3 file into our hosting platform. And it does all of that work for us, which is fantastic.

So that’s really how that set up piece goes out a very high level. That’s what we’re doing within podcast set up. Once we’ve had our podcast set up. Now we need to think about how are we going to actually structure our podcast episodes. So typically when I am thinking about the structure of a podcast episode,

I think about it. And following. A very similar flow where we start with a jingle or an introduction. So typically we, and this is not something you need to have created when you first get a podcast started and off the ground. This can be something that you add later on. Like I, for my first few podcast episodes, I did not have any sort of a jingle at the beginning. What I mean by jingle is

You basically repeating the description of the podcast as a whole with music in the background. Hey, welcome to the dietitian success podcast. Each week I covered this, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. It’s nice to have that little introduction. But it’s absolutely not necessary.

And you can pay for somebody to create this for you. So you do not have to create this for yourself. You can create somebody on Fiverr on freelance, or you can rather pay somebody off. Fiverr freelancer, Upwork, whatever to create a jingle for you, and you can get a done for very cheap. So we typically have our jingle.

And then we do an introduction to the episode. So what is this episode going to be about? What exactly are we going to cover? We do the body, which is an a, you can really think about this. And I hate to use the word essay because it’s a lot more fun than an essay. It is not an actual ness. But we structured in the same way. It’s like intro, body conclusion or summary.

So same thing here. We have an intro to the episode. We have the body. Typically I write out the body and I basically come up with this episode structure, just in a Google doc. And I’m just doing bullet points. You can do word for word script. If you’re new to podcasting, if you’re uncomfortable with.

Just speaking freely or off the cuff, but as you get more experienced, you can just do bullet points. So I just jot down some bullet points. What exactly do I want to cover in that episode? And then we want to finalize with a summary. What exactly did we cover? What are some of the high level take home points?

And then last but not least, we always want to include a call to action. And we can include a call to action at the beginning, middle and wherever throughout the episode, we have to remember that at the end of the day, a podcast is a marketing tool, right? We’re using this free information. To attract people to our paid offers.

And so finishing off with a call to action. You’ll notice in this episode, I started off with a call to action. I told you about the podcasting 1 0 1, a. Course that’s coming to DSE and I was like, Hey, you should join. Now. That was my call to action. And so that’s typically the process that we follow. We have the jingle, we have the intro, the body, the conclusion, or the summary and the call to action.

Now, of course, if you have a guest, we are going to have we’re going to have a question structure. And of course in the podcasting 1 0 1 course on DSC, I give you an outline of what my question structure typically looks like. And I also show you what one of my individual episode outlines look like too. So you can use that as no lawn for your own episodes.

So that’s step two is we have our episode structure, so we’ve done step one, we’ve set up our podcast. We’ve come up with a structure for our episodes. We’ve written out an outline for our first episode. So then what do we do? Step three is really all about. The tech, right? How do we record it? How do we edit it?

What do we do? So the best. And you’ve heard me say this before on the podcast done is better than perfect. When it comes to podcasting. None of my podcasts are ever perfect. They’re never completely flawless. That just doesn’t happen if I wanted them to be that way, I could spend hours and hours editing every week. And I just don’t want to do that, honestly, because there’s better ways to spend my time.

And I don’t really think you care. If I, mess up a word once in a while. Maybe you do. I don’t think you do. And most of you keep listening and the podcast is growing. So I’m assuming you don’t care. Don’t care enough to not listen to the episode or not listen to the podcast. So we really want to embrace the done is better than perfect mentality.

I also think imperfections are important for just helping people get to know you too, as a human and recognizing that we’re all human and we all make mistakes and we’re putting this content out, out there into the world and we’re vulnerable and sometimes we make mistakes. That’s okay.

So how do we actually record podcast episodes? I use a different platform if I’m doing solo or if I’m doing interviews. So if I am doing solo episodes, and by the way, I just want to mention too, this is, I am teaching my process that I have used for creating podcasts. There are so many different platforms out there that you can use for recording, editing, all sorts of different.

Different tools, but I’ll just simplify it. And I’m going to share with you the ones that I typically use. So for recording purposes, if I’m doing a solo episode, I usually use I, now I exclusively use a platform called descript. I love descript. It makes life so much easier if you’re recording audio or video, and if you want to edit it, I love it. So I used a script for solo episodes.

You could also use zoom. You could use garage band. There’s a lot of different options. And then if I’m doing an interview, I just use zoom. And I just record via zoom. And then of course we want to make sure we have a high quality microphone. That’s really important for a podcast because of course people are just listening to the audio. And so we need to make sure that the audio is good. So having a microphone is important.

In the podcasting 1 0 1 course I do go through. Some different options for microphones at various price points. Biggest thing I recommend do not use AirPods when you are recording. Audio or even video for your business AirPods do not pick up sound very well. And they sound, the sound quality is really poor. So do not use AirPods.

And then editing software. So once I’m done recording. How do I edit it? Like I mentioned, I use descript because it’s all in one. I can record an edit in the same platform. I used to use garage band for both. That’s a great free option. If you’re a Mac user audacity is a good option. If you are not a Mac user.

And then from there, once we have that finalized version, Then what we’re going to do. Is we export it as an MP3 file because our podcast hosting platform recognizes that MP3 file. We can just upload it to that podcast hosting platform. And then we write a little description, we input the title and then it will share it out automatically to all of those different platforms we talked about earlier.

So we have to make sure we have that MP MP3 file. So in any of these platforms like descript, all we’re going to do is we’re just going to export it. Choose MP3, it’ll save on our computer. We can drag and drop it into our podcast hosting platform.

And then lastly is the uploading and sharing. So like I said, we are uploading our MP3 file to Buzzsprout is sharing it out on our behalf. And then of course, The next step is that we need to talk about it too. So the cool thing about podcasting is that. Podcasts platforms like Spotify and apple podcasts are like free marketing tools for you.

I know a lot of my listeners go to apple podcasts for instance, and they’re looking for business podcasts for dietitians. And so my podcast shows up, so it’s like a marketing tool, but I also want to make sure and let people know within my Instagram audience, on my email list. That I have a new episode that is really important to remind me people, to listen, to remind people, to tune in.

So that’s step four is the uploading and sharing. Okay. Again, just to summarize high level, how does the podcasting start to finish? Process work while we have step one, which is setting up our podcast. Step to coming up with our episode structure. Step three, recording. And editing and then step four, uploading and sharing.

Easy peasy. Especially as you start to do it over and over again. It becomes such an easy rinse and repeat process. So I hope that was informative for you. Like I said, you. The course will be all inclusive, all speak to every single one of these details and really fill in those blanks. So I would love to see you in the DSE membership over the next few weeks, over the next month.

To check out the podcasting course. And again, if you’re not interested in creating your own. There will be a section on how to pitch yourself to be a guest on other people’s podcasts so that you can get in front of new audiences. Market your business. Get more clients, make more money, et cetera, et cetera.

All right. I hope you have an awesome week. Enjoy your day. Enjoy your week. Enjoy whatever activity you’re doing as you are listening to this episode. I will see you next Thursday.