Nicole Sherratt is a Registered Dietitian and the founder of Wellness Marketing Co. a marketing agency dedicated to supporting health and wellness businesses so that they can get more clients, make a bigger impact, and do more of what they love!
Today, Nicole and I talk about:
- Converting and selling on Instagram and what that actually looks like
- If it’s possible to get clients off of Instagram, and if so, how?
- How to sell without being spammy
- Some simple actions that you can start doing today to leverage IG as an active sales tool to engage your ideal client (vs. a passive tool where you post and hope for the best)
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Episode Transcript:
Nicole Sherratt is a Registered Dietitian and the founder of Wellness Marketing Co. A marketing agency dedicated to supporting health and wellness businesses so that they can get more clients, make a bigger impact, and do more of what they love. And so Nicole and her team actually run our Instagram for at Dietitian Success Center now.
This has not always been the case. Of course, when we first started on Instagram, it was me doing it, and then slowly other people in our team started to take it on, and now we’ve decided to fully outsource to Nicole and her team, and it’s been such an amazing change and amazing decision for us, not only in terms of results, but also just in terms of operations and systems within our business so that we can all stay within our zones of genius as a team.
Nicole’s Instagram strategy has really allowed us to stay consistent, to dial in on our sales strategy when it comes to Instagram, and just to stay up to date on what is working when it comes to social media strategy. So today, Nicole and I talk about converting and selling on Instagram and what that actually looks like.
So is it possible to get clients off of Instagram, and if so, how? How do you sell without being spammy and just some. Simple actions that you can start doing today to start using Instagram as an active sales tool to engage your ideal client versus just posting passively, hoping for the best. Sound familiar.
If so, you will definitely get a lot out of this episode. Let’s jump in. Nicole, welcome to the podcast. Thank you so much for joining me. Thank you for having me. Excited to be here. I know, I’m so excited to talk to you. Okay. So I wanna hear a little bit more about your. dietitian story. Mm-hmm. So how did you get to where you are today, where you are doing, started off as a dietitian, obviously you’re still a dietitian, but now you’ve really transitioned into doing social media.
Yes. Social media management and providing a service for other dietitians. So what has that journey looked like? It’s been a whirlwind. I’m a relatively new grad, so I started marketing my. Private practice as a nutritionist. I think you and I like had a one-off session years ago. Oh, that so long ago. Yeah.
Yeah. And you were in school, right? I still in school. Like I just really wanna get started with this. And it was, yes. Cool. Yeah. Yeah. So I started marking myself as a pregnancy nutritionist. I wasn’t selling anything or doing any programs, but I was mostly just doing content creation and trying to build up my audience so that as soon as I.
Graduated, I could hit the ground running. And I kind of started during that like covid time that everybody else was starting their nutrition accounts. I don’t know if you remember that. It was like a wave of people starting their nutrition accounts. Proliferation of Yeah, for sure. Because we were all stuck at home.
So yeah, that’s when I started. And then when I graduated, that’s when I. Really like hit the ground running with my prior practice. I specialize in pregnancy and then after a little bit I kind of started to incorporate more of like the mental health niche. And then I believe, I guess it was would’ve been just over a year now, you and I were working together and I was like, I kind of wanna see if anybody needs some help with social media, because I was realizing that I really loved the marketing and the social media.
I. More than I actually loved taking the clients one-on-one and like I loved connecting with people, but I just didn’t love the clinical aspect of it. So I was like, okay, let’s see where this goes. I reached out to a couple colleagues of mine, Probably just over a year ago, one of them was like, yep, okay, let’s do this.
And then I signed my first contract as a social media manager probably a year ago. And then after that, things just kind of snowballed because there’s just such a need for it because dietitians find social media very confusing. Which is very valid because we’re not taught that in school. Mm-hmm. And then now a year later we, I work in wellness marketing co full-time and I have for about.
Eight months now. And we have a full client roster, mostly social media management, but we also do a little bit of , email, we support with launches. Yeah. So it’s been fun. Cool. And when you first started, so when you got that very first contract with a dietitian, what were you offering? What was the service?
It was completely done for you. Social media management. Including like DM support and engagement and stuff like that. So. Very similar to what we offer now, but what we offer now is definitely way more structured and our engagement processes and the strategy has evolved so much like cuz since I started taking on clients, I really like continued to invest in additional courses I had before because I was just interested in it and that’s why I wanted to make that switch.
But since kind of taking on clients, I’ve really invested a lot into other courses from specialists. Okay. I wanna talk about what your service structure looks like and what you actually offer in a second. But how did you transition out of your private practice? Like, what did that phase look like? How did you actually make that switch?
Yeah. I, so I just kind of stopped posting on my Instagram. I still had. Because I had a three month program at that time, so I still supported my clients through to the end of the program, but then I just wasn’t taking on any new clients. Once I hit enough that revenue marker where I was making enough with Wellness Marketing Co, that’s when I like, really just stopped everything and I was like, Hey guys, starting a new page.
Come find me over here. Yeah. Totally. Okay. Yeah, I remember that. Okay, so let’s talk about what your service structure looks like with wellness Marketing code. So what exactly do you offer? What are the different packages people can purchase? Mm-hmm. Yeah, so we have our done for you social media management.
So that includes, Or post a week. It includes engagement and it’s strategic engagement. So it’s not just like responding to comments. We actually don’t use our time doing that. It’s really going into your dms, finding the warmest leads, and then working them up to potentially an offer if they’re a qualified lead.
And then it includes like reels and posts. Editing captions, hashtags, we do. Our strategy is very data driven, so every single month we go in and we look at the data and we see how many website clicks you’re getting, like what performed best for reach, what performed best for engagement, what did the best for selling, and then we use that to guide the next month’s content.
Okay, so two things on that. Where did you come up with the idea for done for you? Because I feel like that’s a bit of a unique offering for social media management because we were just talking before this episode, so. I’ve worked with a social media manager in the past and I, you know, it was just a very different experience than working with you guys because, and I think that what she is offering, you know, and obviously no shade to her in any way, but what she is offering is a little bit more what I think a lot of social media managers offer out there, which is a bit more.
Like, okay, you know? Yeah, we’ll post your account three times a week. Static posts like, and that’s really what you get. That’s the extent of the service. So it’s like they create the post on Canva, they create the caption, they schedule it, it goes out. And honestly, I mean, I just really didn’t feel like there was a result there, because I think we know now that doing that is not enough when it comes to actually.
Getting really effective with mm-hmm. Your Instagram strategy and actually trying to get clients. So where did you come up with the idea for the done for you? Yeah, so funny enough, when I was doing my private practice, I actually also outsourced to a social media manager. Because I was like, what do I outsource?
Like I’m working a full-time job, I don’t have time to do everything in my business. And I was really sad to outsource social media, but it was the only thing I could think of cuz I couldn’t outsource my client work. So I also outsourced and had a very similar experience where it was like four posts a week, all statics.
A bit of like DM support, but not that much, like, not really like a strategic approach there. And it was the same thing, like there just wasn’t an a return on investment, which is so hard. And like, I mean, Instagram’s very unpredictable and we try to price our packages at and like include deliverables that will give you an roi.
It’s not ever guaranteed, but with four posts and reels a week and strategic engagement, you definitely are setting yourself up for more success than if it was just like three statics a week. But yeah, like, I mean, so we have our done for you offer, but we also, if people don’t have the budget, because obviously that is kind of the highest ticket service you could get with us, right?
So mm-hmm. People who do our done for you services are making a minimum of five K a month minimum, probably more than that. So we do offer support. In terms of like downgrading, removing engagement, getting rid of some of the posts. But the r o I isn’t always guaranteed with that, just because when you have all of the pieces of the puzzle, it’s a lot easier to see success.
Yeah, absolutely. Okay, so then on that note let’s talk about what that even looks like. What is, what is selling on Instagram? Like, what are all of those essential components that we need to have? Because I think that. We tend to be really good at the part one, which is the creating the content and putting the content out there.
And I mean, even that’s a learning curve, right? And of course, if you’re listening to this and you’re just getting started and you’re like, I haven’t even wrapped my head around that, that’s okay, right? It’s gonna take a little bit of time to just figure out, find your voice, get the confidence to put yourself out there, to create some posts, to do some Instagram stories, to do your first reel.
That’s fine, but eventually you’re gonna get to a point where you’re gonna be doing that consistently and you’re maybe not gonna be seeing any sort of result, because we’re missing this part too, which is really the everything that comes after that, or I think just more of that sales component. Right.
And so what does that actually look like? Like what is that sales component? Yeah, so I love talking about this. I’m making a course on this topic because it’s just, it’s such a missing piece. So important. Yeah. When it comes to social media, like every single course teaches you about like content pillars and how often the posts and how to post, but like nobody really actually teaches you how to sell in a way that feels good for you.
Cuz that’s also another thing. You don’t wanna be like overly spammy obviously, especially as a health professional. Yeah. So, yeah, I mean, when it comes to selling on socials, there’s a couple different things. There’s your messaging, there’s making content that converts, there’s selling on stories, and then there’s also engagement.
Okay. And so can we talk through each one of those and like what that means specifically? Yeah, for sure. So when it comes to the messaging, that’s really, first of all understanding who you’re talking to and what their struggles are. And like making them feel heard. Right? So really, really understanding who you’re talking to, which is something that you kind of learn in like basics of like business coaching and stuff like that, right?
Like having that ideal client and knowing what they’re struggling with. Doing that market research and talking with people to make sure that you are speaking directly to them, or maybe you were them two years ago and you’ve like, You’ll do whatever you’re struggling with with nutrition, so you have that personal experience as well, and just really understanding who you’re talking to and speaking to them in a transformational way.
Because one way I see a lot of like dietitians and nutritionists struggle with is when they’re talking about their services, they’re talking about the deliverables. So they’re like, when you work with me, We get weekly one-on-one sessions, they’re hour long calls. You’re gonna get a food log. You’re gonna get a meal plan.
But we’re not actually talking about the transformation, which is what people care about, right? Like people care about how you’re gonna get, how you’re gonna take them from where they are now to where they wanna go. They don’t really care about all the deliverables as long as it helps ’em get to where they wanna be.
Yeah, a hundred percent. And then how do we. So then how does that, how do we bridge the messaging to the like content that converts? Like what does it mean to have content that converts? Yeah. So for us, with our strategy, we’re always looking at data. So that’s what I encourage. Everybody to do is to look at your data, see what kind of posts that you’re sharing are getting the most website clicks.
If you use like a link tree or link in bio, look at that and see what days you got the highest link clicks, what days are you getting the most views on your application, and then you can kind of correlate that to maybe what you posted that day. Obviously it’s not a direct causation, but mm-hmm. That said, it does give you a good idea of like what is converting and what isn’t.
Another thing that we did recently for a client is we were updating a freebie and we shared a reel and we said, comment if you wanted, if you want the freebie so you can see how many people are commenting as a conversion. Or we had one where we shared a reel that included client wins, and there were so many people in her dms that were like, I want this, I need this, I need this.
So then you know that piece of content converts too, and then you can take that and replicate. Hmm. And then, so for those people who are sitting there being like, yeah, but nobody, I don’t get dms mm-hmm. From prospective clients, like, nobody’s initiating a conversation with me. How do we start those conversations with prospective clients?
And I, I remember, you know, thinking about that at some point too, was like, I. This fear around, or it was this like, I need to wait for people to come to me cuz I’m too scared to go to them. Like I don’t wanna reach out to you via DM and for you to be like, Ew, who’s this spammy person? Yeah. That’s reaching out to me.
Right? Yeah. So I guess the question is just like I. How do you initiate those conversations? Because I think that’s an important component to all of this. Mm-hmm. Is like there’s a very active part that’s required or an active role that you have to play in terms of inviting these conversations to start happening and not just sitting back and waiting for them to come to you.
Yes. So how do you do that in a way that is not. Spammy and doesn’t leave you feeling like, ugh. Yeah, for sure. I remember feeling the same way too. Yeah. Like I remember business coaches online being like, you gotta talk to people in your dms. And I was like, so I’m like, how DM to me? Totally. Yeah. Yeah. So the biggest thing with that is you do have to go to them.
Like it might feel uncomfortable at the beginning, but if you’re doing it in a way that’s genuine, It’s okay. So one way that we love to do it, if you have a smaller account, this, this, it becomes very hard if you have a bigger account, and I don’t recommend, but sending new followers a message to welcome them to your page.
And it literally doesn’t even need to like, Be a big conversation cuz just the fact that you welcome them and then left them alone sometimes opens up that door for later. And so you can like literally just be like, Hey, like thanks for following, so happy you’re here. You could ask them how they found you.
You could ask them like it a question related to your niche. Or you could just literally say, thanks for being here. Let me know if you have any questions. And then that opens the door for later and it makes ’em feel like actually cared for. And it’s so crazy when you do it on a, if you have a bigger account, people are like, oh my gosh, I’m talking to someone famous.
And they like, they love it. Yeah, totally. And I actually think, you know, even for and our, our dietitian success center account, like that’s the one that you work on specifically because we’ve just had a hard time growing it. And that’s really our main priority is growing that account and That’s something that you guys have started to implement is to, you know, send those messages to new people, which has been so great and cuz some people don’t respond and that’s totally fine, totally fine.
But then a lot of people do and they’re like, Hey, I listened to your podcast or whatever and like, it, it’s such a great, it’s just such a great way to. Connect with people and a lot of them actually do wanna have a conversation. Yeah. I think you know them too. You get to know like who’s following you.
Yeah. You think gear your content towards it too, right? Yes, for sure. And on that note too I think one of the things that I felt before I. Which I, I think is maybe a bit of a misconception is that every conversation you have with somebody has to result in like a pitch, which I think is not true.
Yeah. And I would feel a lot of pressure around these conversations to try and guide them in a way of like, okay, how do I relate this back to my services so that I can, you know, say, oh, by the way, we have this, if this is, you know, helps to solve your problems. But I don’t think that that’s true. Right?
It’s like, A conversation can just be a conversation that just helps to build trust. Yeah, and that’s the thing too, and it really depends on your niche because obviously like some niches have a timeframe and others don’t. But your first conversation should not be leading to a pitch period. Mm-hmm.
Like that should never, there are some like weird circumstances where it would happen and it’s okay and it will be successful, but that’s like, If they’re super into it and asking questions right off the bat. But most of those first conversations should just be like a friendly, get to know you type of conversation, and they don’t need to lead to a pitch.
And then that’s why you like follow up a bit later and check in and see how they’re doing. Send them some free resources and like if the time is right, then you can get them to that pitch. But not everybody. Is gonna be a qualified lead either. Right. I think sometimes we think that every person who follows us is a qualified lead, but that’s not the case.
Right. So you have to also make sure they’re qualified before you send them to that kind of like pitch message. Right. And what are some of the ways that we can do that? Like how do I know if somebody is a qualified lead? Yeah. So I would say first of all, you have to really, really understand your niche, right?
Mm-hmm. So like for D S C, you kind of have a couple different niches. Yeah. That makes it a lot easier to see if they’re qualified, right? Yeah. Like if someone’s a student if someone has like recently started a private practice or was looking to scale it, if someone works in a clinical setting but has those specific problems.
So it’s not just that like first layer. That first layer is important, but then you have to go deeper than that to make sure that they have the problems that you can solve. Cuz if they don’t have the problems that you solve, then there’s no point in even sending them that pitch message. You can just get to know them and have a good conversation.
But like, for example, a clinical dietitian. If they have all the knowledge they need, they’ve been working in their field for 30 years, they feel like an expert. They aren’t wanting to learn about new areas, then maybe they don’t really care about Yeah. Learning more about D S E. Right? Totally. Yeah. And that’s okay.
A hundred percent. Yeah, a hundred percent. They’re just interested to watch and that’s totally cool too. Yeah. Okay. That’s really interesting. And are there some sort of, Because then there’s definitely people that you’re like, no, this person is really, genuinely, they want to know more. Is there, or rather, is there a way to be able to like sense when the time is right to be like, okay, I’m gonna actually present this person with what I have to offer.
Yeah. I think a lot of times it is. If they’re really. Struggling with what you can support them with, that’s when the door can open quite well. And it also depends on your offers. It depends on like your free resources. So that’s the thing too, is if it’s a higher ticket program, it becomes a little bit trickier versus if it was like a $30 guide, then that’s, Also that’s something that you could much easier kind of get them to that pitch versus like, if it’s like a $1,200 program, right?
Yeah. Especially if they haven’t looked into it before. So yeah, a lot of it is just kind of feeling it out. And then if you get to a point where you’re like, okay, I know I can help them, then just say that. Just be like, I know you’re really struggling with X, Y, Z. Have you looked into my services or my program at all?
Would you be interested in learning more? No pressure. Yeah. And if so, I’ll send you more information. If not, no worries at all. Yeah, it can be super low stress. Yeah, cuz the thing is I’ve seen, I’ve seen some people send out like a template message and you can tell. You can totally tell. Mm-hmm. And that doesn’t make people feel good either, cuz it makes it feel like the whole time they were talking to you, the only reason you were talking to them is cuz you wanted their money.
Yeah. And I think too on that note, like sometimes, you know, you also have to remember that like people want to hear if your program is going or whatever you’re offering is gonna help to solve a problem for them. They wanna hear about it, right? Yeah, yeah. But you don’t have to like keep it secret. You know, you really don’t.
And so like, I think an example of this is like sometimes on our Instagram stories, we’ll post like things around, you know, do you want to learn more about like I B D for instance? Or like the other day it was like, is this something that you struggle with? You spend hours researching. Content for PR to prepare for a client who may never show up to the sa to the session.
Yeah. Like you’ve spent six hours of administrative time creating handouts and searching on Google, and it’s like, some people are like, yeah, that’s me. And then it’s, it’s a clear, it’s like, okay, great. Cool. Here’s, you know, here’s D s, C. And I think that in those opportunities, in, in those. When you position it that way and when somebody is actively like, no, no, no, that’s me.
I think that also lends itself to an easier Yeah. Pitch. Yeah. The amount of times I’ve sent a pitch message and then the response is, thank you so much for thinking of me. Yeah. Is unbelievable. And that’s how it should work, right? Yeah. And of course some people are gonna ghost you, some people are gonna leave you on red.
Everybody has different experiences with. People in dms and like if they’ve had a bad experience before, they might be more closed off and they might Yeah. Ghost to you, but that has nothing to do with you. Yeah, a hundred percent. Totally. And it’s like anything in life, right? There’s a way to do it that feels good for you, and you just have to decide what that looks like and you have to decide what that is.
I know, it’s funny that you say that because I feel like I have. There’s this one person that I can think of specifically in sort of the business coaching world, and I think I’ve gotten maybe six dms from them that have all gone unanswered, like I haven’t answered any of them, so clearly I’m not a warm lead at all.
Right? Yeah. Like I have no interest in what they have to sell or what they have to offer. And I think to me also that sort of like, why are you still probing me? You know, why are you like still? And that, that puts a bad taste in my mouth and it doesn’t need to be that way. Right. Yeah. We don’t need to, we can have a equally as successful or more successful strategy by not doing that.
Yeah. Well that’s the thing, I, it’s so funny. I, and it takes time, right? Like, so it’s okay to follow up a second time. Sure. I think that’s totally okay. Sure. Follow up. Especially cause we’re, yeah, yeah. Like there’s some non-invasive ways you can do it too. But like, I think about my account and like I, there was someone who I was like, okay, this is gonna be a good collab.
Like we’re gonna, we’re gonna gonna be able to support each other with our businesses. Literally, I was messaging them for like four months. Just interacting with stories and then doing like little things here and there. And then it ended up working out that we were able to like do a collab together and like it takes time and it’s not like something I was like off the bat being like, Hey, you don’t know me, but it’s, yeah, but we should do this together.
It’s like, yeah. Yeah. That’s totally fair. Yeah. Okay. I wanna ask this question because it’s been something I just observe and think about. Do you think it’s possible for. All dietitians to make sales on Instagram. Mm-hmm. And the reason why I ask that question is because this is one of the things that I love about this podcast is that I get to sit down and I get to interview dietitians about what works for them and what doesn’t work for them.
And a really interesting trend that I notice is that there tends to be, you know, People that Instagram has never worked for in terms of getting customers or clients. And then there’s people that it works for regularly. And oftentimes one of the things that I’ve noticed is that that can be due to geographic location.
And I find that Canadian dietitians, and I’m just saying this because I only have had Canadian and US dietitians on the podcast, I’ve never had more international dietitians, so. I have no idea what those trends would look like outside of North America, but. That sounds tends to be a theme that Canadian dietitians are like, no, I just, I use Instagram as a way to build my brand, and I use it as a way for people to learn more information about me and to get things like consulting or freelance gigs, but I don’t actually get one-on-one clients off of Instagram.
And then on the other side I have, you know, this US group that’s like, yeah, it’s a regular referral source for me. So what are your thoughts on that? Yeah, I love this question because I’m also Canadian. So yeah, my private practice, when I was running it, I was like, you know, based in bc right? So, yeah, I think it really honestly depends on the services that you offer, because, If you’re doing M N T and you’re in Canada and you’re registered to a specific province, or I know some states are stricter about it too, if you’re doing m n T, it does become a little bit trickier because it’s really about targeting not only your niche, but also your location.
Which can be hard without some like external support and like going and doing sessions for the community and like getting some referral sources in the community and stuff like that. But if you’re not doing m mentee and you’re just doing coaching, then really there should be no problem if you are like implementing a strategy and actually trying to sell right.
Yeah, totally. I think it just really depends and like, of course it is possible if you are doing m and t in a specific location, but it just requires a little bit of a different strategy. And probably honestly sometimes a, a broader niche because you’re. Targeting a specific location. So that’s already specific.
So if you’re targeting a specific location and a very narrow niche, then that audience is tiny. Right? Yeah. Yeah. That’s so fair. And I, I completely agree, right? It’s like that’s, that’s why we always try and reinforce the idea that. Every single business is different. Like there’s never one a one size fits all approach because if you are sitting there and you’re like, I’m a renal dietitian in registered in Ontario, obviously, you know, I’m providing m n T to patients.
In Ontario, you can absolutely still have a thriving, successful local business. Mm-hmm. It just means that your marketing strategy looks a little bit different than somebody who. Is speaking a little who’s doing nutrition coaching, who’s speaking to a bit of a broader group of people, non m and t, that sort of thing.
So yeah, I just think that’s, that’s just an important reminder that it’s like you can, you know, it, it doesn’t mean that your business is gonna be less successful, it just means you have to think about your marketing strategy in a bit of a different way. Yeah. And maybe lean on some of those like local supports a little bit more.
Yeah, exactly. And like we have some clients who, most of their clients come from their community. Yeah. And their Instagram is just serving a purpose of like keeping up their brand and maybe helping them get a couple extra clients a month. But it’s not, Their whole business marketing structure. Yeah, totally.
And I think too you know, the other thing that, the other purpose that something like social media can serve is if you have a product in the future, like a course. Mm-hmm. So even if you’re doing m and t one-on-one, And then in the future, you’re like, I wanna sell an ebook, or I wanna sell a course that doesn’t require me to do that one-on-one individualized care.
So suddenly I can offer my product to a broader group of people, you know, possibly outside of my province. It’s like, well that’s, you know, that’s the. Social media plays a huge role in that and in building up your email list. So it’s still an important factor regardless of where you practice. Yeah. It’s just thinking about what is the purpose here?
What are you doing? Yeah. And like what are your goals? Like if you, if you’re doing, if you have a private practice or you’re working clinical and like you. Are doing m and t as your main priority, but your goal is like you really wanna get more passive income in the next five years, then maybe building up your brand presence.
Yeah. Even if you’re not signing clients right now through it is a good idea because then when you are ready to introduce that other revenue stream, so. You’re not, you don’t have that barrier of not having enough leads. Totally. Yeah. And I think, and I think, you know, Instagram, social media, those are the best ways to be able to gather people to your email list.
Right. To build that audience that when you have something you wanna sell, like an online course, it’s like you have a group of people there who wanna buy it. Yeah, for sure. Yeah. So it’s really just understanding What is your Instagram for? What’s the purpose behind it? Yeah. And if it’s not for one-on-one, that’s okay.
There still could be other reasons why you do it and other purposes behind it. So for the dietitian who is sitting there being like, okay, I have just now wrapped my head around posting to my Instagram regularly. Maybe I’ve created a reel. Maybe I’ve created an Instagram post, but I have not yet figured out how to move on to that phase two of like, how do I actually turn this into a little bit more of a.
Sales strategy, how do I incorporate some of those sales principles? What are a couple things that they could start with today? Just like really low barrier things that they can start doing to start. Yeah. You know, having those conversations and mm-hmm. And inviting those sales. Yeah, so one thing that I love to recommend, and I recently did this for our page because I didn’t have it on mine, and I was like, Ooh, that’s not great, but have a pinned post.
Or if you’re on TikTok, a pinned reel, just anything front and center that talks about your services. And not just the deliverables, also the transformation. Like who is it for and where are you gonna take them? Then you can kind of go into like what’s included, and if your college allows you client wins after that, right?
But that way, as soon as people come to your page, they know. They can kind of qualify themself, right? Like they know if they’re a qualified lead for you and it’s gonna be top of mind. So you can do that and you can share something like that in an Instagram story and put it on a highlight. And then I’d say another thing too is just talking about your services more.
Because I find that a lot of dietitians do a lot of education and not enough actual, like selling and talking about their services, and that’s why nobody knows about them. So helpful and so important. And I imagine too, like when you have, and I had, we were talking about Stephanie Long before this, cuz we both know Stephanie Long shout Stephanie, if you’re listening she was on this podcast a little bit ago and we were talking about social media.
On social media or talking about Instagram on the podcast. Mm-hmm. And she was saying, she made this really good point that I feel like I just really remember, which was this idea that, Every, you have to remember that every follower is a new person and it is. It is a person, like a whole person. Yes. Yes.
Right. And like, A hundred followers might not seem like a lot of people, but if you were standing in front of an audience of a hundred people, you’d be like, oh my gosh, this is a lot of people. Mm-hmm. And so I also think too, sometimes at the very beginning when your account is a little bit smaller, it’s actually easier to start having some of those engaging conversations with people.
And so I can imagine another thing could be like just start prompting those conversations with new followers. It’s like, just send a message to just say, Hey, thanks so much for following. Would love to hear how you found me. Or something like that. Especially cuz you, if you have a smaller account, you’re probably not having hundreds of followers funneling every, every day.
Exactly. Exactly. So it’s super easy to just quickly send it out. It takes five minutes at the end of the day. Yeah, totally. Yeah. And like, yeah, I’d say definitely kind of the biggest thing too, that a lot of dietitians struggle with is like selling in their stories. Mm-hmm. Just a reminder that it’s okay to talk about your services in your stories and generally, like if you’re comfortable with it, I like to recommend talking about it at least four times a week.
Mm. And then also, of course, talking about your freebie, getting people to your email list. Doing some like value ads, but talking about your services in a way that like lands with your clients, whether it’s sharing a client’s story and then the link to your application or sharing client wins every week because you naturally get those anyways.
Yeah. Totally. And that’s why too, like every time you talk about your services, it doesn’t have to be reinventing the wheel. Like you can have a standard script that you go back to and just plugging in. D s C, we have a course all about when we go through defining your offer, we walk through, okay, so then how, what are the sales, what’s the sales and marketing messaging that goes with this offer?
Right? So, you know, who is this offer for? What are they getting? How are they gonna feel afterwards or what’s the goal? What’s the end state exactly like you were talking about. And that can be something, it’s just a script, right? Mm-hmm. It becomes a script. You could print it out, you have beside your computer, it just becomes something.
You could just say that four times a week, the exact thing over and over again, and that’s fine. Yeah, exactly. We, I actually made a How to sell on stories, series of reels on Instagram. So there’s three of them. Great. The first one that I have on there is something very similar where it’s like literally just canvas slides you make once you modify them a little bit every single time you go to post it, and you can just easily post them once a week.
Yeah. And they perform super well every single time. Yeah. Yeah. I love that. So helpful. What’s next for your business? So we are ramping up a course creation. So we still have all of our. Offers done for you. We do a bit of email marketing and stuff like that, so we still have all of those on the backend.
But we’re really working on developing a course on how to sell on socials as a dietitian nutritionist. So it’s gonna kind of walk people through our three-step method that we use on our client’s accounts to get results because, A lot of people that I’ve been interacting with are like, I really wanna work with you, but I can’t afford it.
Like, I’m just starting out. And so just any way that like, you know, we can get you guys closer to getting full-time in your private practice because I know that’s like, that was my biggest goal when I was starting. I just didn’t know have the, like stepping stones to get there. So I’m really excited about that.
Cool. Love that. And so where can the audience find out more about you and what you do? Yeah, so you can find us on Instagram at Wellness marketing co. Feel free to DM me. I’m always on there. And then I, we, our website is wellness marketing as well. If you wanna learn a little bit more about our services.
And we’re on TikTok, but I’m not very consistent on there. So yeah. So don’t go there. Go to Instagram. Instagram. Awesome. Okay. Well thanks so much, Nicole. It’s so good. Yeah. Thanks for having me.