In this episode, we talk about specific counseling and coaching strategies you can use when asked about Ozempic(R). Including, question prompts and scripts!
- Join us for the free Dietitian as Coach webinar on Sept 18th 2024
- Learn more about DSC’s Nutrition Counseling & Coaching Certificate program
- Join the waitlist here (make sure and read through the sales page above first)
- Read our blog post, Diabetes Drug Ozempic Trending for Weight Loss
- Access the letter template to get your employer to pay for the program here
Episode Transcript:
Welcome to the Dietitian Success Podcast. I’m Krista, the founder of Dietitian Success Center, an online learning platform for RDs and students. I am on a mission to help more dietitians build confidence and expertise in running successful, profitable businesses. I went to business school so you don’t have to.
My team and I have grown DSC to a platform that serves hundreds of members. We’ve experimented with all types of marketing, tech, sales strategies, productivity tools, systems, and more. And we want to spill the tea on what’s working, what’s not, and how you can leverage our insights to kickstart, expand, or elevate your own business.
Ready to dive into your business school crash course? If so, let’s get started.
Hey real quick. Before we get into this episode. I just wanted to mention that we are going to be running a free webinar on September 18th, 2024. At noon Eastern standard time. That talks all about the coach approach for dietitians. So if you’ve been listening to this podcast for a while, You know, that I am training to become a level one certified coach through the international coaching foundation, which is basically like the regulatory body for coaching. And as part of this process, I’ve had to go through the exercise of getting practice hours in all areas of coaching, including. Life coaching nutrition, coaching, business, coaching, health coaching, all types of coaching.
And through this process and through these learnings, I’ve really come to see. That coaching and using coaching questions effectively. Have the potential to completely change how dietitians. Practice with patients and clients, and also how they participate in the cross-functional team or with colleagues outside of direct patient care. And it’s been so enlightening for me and so fun for me. And so I wanted to take this opportunity. Just to share some of the things that I’ve learned, some of the aha moments for me in going through this coaching training and this process. And so on September 18th, I’m going to be offering a free webinar. Where I talk about some of these aha moments
and then some thoughts on how dietitians might be able to implement some of these learnings into their practice. So specifically, I’m going to be talking about how coaching questions can be used as a complimentary tool for dietetic practice in order to enhance client outcomes. I’m going to talk about what I’ve learned around motivation and true behavior change and how we can use deep questioning to uncover client’s true desires for change. And then I’ll give you some specific coaching questions that I have found to be. Effective when working with various types of clients. So I’m really excited for this webinar. It’s free. We’d love to have you join us on September 18th, the link to sign up to attend the webinar is in the description of this podcast episode.
All right, with that, let’s get into the episode.
Okay. So chances are, if you are a dietitian working with clients, you’ve probably had someone ask you about Olympic or maybe you have had a family member or friend ask you about it because it seems to still be in the media.
Or you’ve definitely read about it somewhere. So if you’re curious to learn more about Olympic in general, we actually wrote an in-depth blog post that talks about the drug.
It talks about motivations behind why people are using it, et cetera. And that is linked below this episode, but today we’re going to talk a little bit about counseling slash coaching strategies. When it comes to being asked about but first I just want to talk for a second about, this is just like a little business and marketing tidbit. A little backstory, so. One of the things we noticed.
So we published this blog article that I was just talking about back in January of last year. So January 20, 23, I can’t believe it’s been a year since. And reason why was because obviously we were seeing this show up a lot in the media. And so this is I hope this gives you some ideas or inspiration for your own website, your own blog. So we’re seeing this topic come out quite a bit.
So. We popped on over to key search and we did some keyword research related to Azam Peck. Big surprise that there were some seriously high trafficked keywords related to this topic. So we capitalized on this by creating a blog post that related back to, or that included these keywords. And so over the course of the last year, that one blog post has resulted in over 8,000 impressions. Which is fairly high. And 157 link clicks.
So meaning people actually clicking it. And hopefully reading through the blog post. So, I mean, I think that this is just another example of SEO being that sort of gift that keeps on giving. We do talk about SEO extensively within the nutrition and a business membership. So if you’re interested in. SEO and SEO strategy, make sure and check out that course that we have on SEO.
I love SEO. I think it might be my favorite marketing. Tactic marketing strategy because it has worked so well for us over the last couple of years. Anyways. Moving on to the topic of this podcast episode, that was just an aside. So we had a question come up within our community about how RDS were addressing OSMP with their clients.
And so. In order to answer that question, we actually pulled some content from our counseling and coaching certificate of completion program, which if you’ve been listening to this podcast regularly, we are launching that later this month. We’ll talk about that at the end of this episode. To answer that question and it got a lot of really good attention within our community, really good feedback.
So we thought, Hey, why not share this as a podcast episode? Because. It would be helpful for other people. And so, that’s what we’re going to do in this episode. I’m going to share with you what was talked about with regards to that topic and some ideas for things you can say when people ask you about OSMP. And also one of the features that we’re adding to the counseling and coaching program this year, this round rather, cause we’ll probably launch it again at some point. But we are going to be offering monthly anonymous Q and a panel discussions.
So what this means is that you can actually anonymously submit a client case. A question. Et cetera. To a panel of fellow RDS and the panel will discuss the case, discuss the question. It will be recorded and it will be shared out. Or you can come to the session live. And the reason why we’ve decided to add this component is because we really felt like one of the biggest questions for practitioners is. Hey, I really wish I could know and see how another practitioner would approach this scenario.
We feel like that’s actually one of the best ways to learn and to expand your horizons, to expand your. Skills is to listen to other people, talk about, Hey, here’s what I would do. Here’s how I would address this. So. That’s what we are going to be adding to the program. This time around, if you want to learn more about all of the things included within the program pop on down to the description of this podcast episode, and there is a link there that you can click in it. That sales page has all of the information that you need to know, including pricing components, et cetera, et cetera. And so sharing this podcast episode, I think this kind of gives you a sense of what types of responses you would get from that panel.
The goal being that they’re really practical that we give you specific answers that you can actually take away with you and do something with. Also pulling from the curriculum within the program and then just overall experience. Right. Lived experience to provide different ideas, different discussion points. And you can really see how other people would approach things.
How other practitioners would approach things, maybe this sparks ideas for you to make your sessions more effective. We wanted to keep them anonymous because we know it can be challenging sometimes to talk about scenarios like this. Especially if it feels sensitive, spiels difficult. I know for me, I remember that I would sometimes have client interactions where I almost didn’t want to talk about them with other people, because I was so fearful of judgment.
Like I were worried that people would be like, you don’t know that right. I hope I’m not the only one. And so that was always just very scary for me. And so I love a nonjudgmental safe space. Obviously it’s always a nonjudgmental safe space, but we wanted to just make sure that it was. It felt especially.
So by making sure that the, when you submit like your name, isn’t going to be shared out with other people. Okay. So with that, I am actually just going to read through what was posted to the community forum as a response, and by the way, This is just another little business tidbit as well is just this idea that you can always repurpose content just by the way.
I think this is always a really helpful reminder. This was something that was posted in our internal DSE community, but without, Hey, this is so helpful. People are really enjoying this content. Why not share it in another way? So here we are now using it as content for the podcast episode as well.
Okay. So starting with the original question, and then I’m going to share the response. So the original question was based on DSEs most recent Insta reel. We had created a reel about Jose Peck. Any tips for counseling on Olympic for weight loss purposes, not diabetes. I watched her webinar, which was an informal discussion from various RDS in different settings and and their opinions on this topic.
It was helpful, but still having difficulty translating the points into layman’s terms for clients
Specifically, if we have clients who have been on more of an intuitive eating journey relationship with food journey, but are feeling defeated. I paraphrased that question just a little bit, just to make it more concise for the purpose of this episode. But here’s the response. And this response was written by our amazing nutrition content manager, Olivia. And as I mentioned, it includes little tidbits from our course content, and linking it back to really practical application.
So here was the response. It’s such a tricky thing to navigate, and I’m sure many of us has been, have been in similar situations. So what are the evidence-based strategies we’ve explored in the counseling and coaching course from a motivational interviewing and CBT perspective. Is when a client is coming to you, interested in ozone pic. Acknowledging that likely this is not their first time trying various strategies for weight loss.
So it can actually be really helpful before just making the Olympic decision to explore some guided discovery questions with them. The idea here being that maybe they will come to their own conclusions about whether OSMP is the right choice or not. And so just as an aside from this example, like this is really where we get into deeper level, more strategic counseling versus just treating things at face value. Right.
The initial thought might be to just right off the bat, talk to the individual about the risks of OSMP. Right. We might just jump on that opportunity, but what if we took a step back and actually use this as an opportunity to have a bigger teaching moment to actually unpack. What. Their weight loss journey has been like right at the end of the day, the ultimate goal is for someone to come to their own conclusions about things.
We know that behavior change is more likely if it’s internally motivated, right. I’m deciding for myself that this is what I want to do versus someone else telling me what to do. I have to really believe that myself. And so I just wanted to mention those two things.
Just pull out those two threats. So back to the response here, you could lead into this discussion by saying something like interesting. Before we talk about Olympics, specifically, understanding that weight loss is a long-term goal for you. Do you mind if we take a few minutes and explore some past experiences with weight loss strategies and how they might have been helpful or maybe even unhelpful for you? And so then you can follow this up by asking some open-ended or guided discovery questions, and we give you. A massive list of question prompts that you can use.
We give you a print workbook as part of this program. And within that workbook, there’s a ton of different question prompts. And so, you can pick and choose which ones you want to try out with your clients, but some examples. In this scenario, things you could ask to get somebody to come to the conclusion themselves. What was it like on the diet, for example, when you were following weight Watchers, when you’re doing keto, et cetera. What was the reason you had stopped following the diet in the past? What do you think resulted in the lack of whatever their goal had been?
Maybe it was weight loss. Do you see it resulting in sustainable change this time? And then from there. Once we’ve explored this background, then can ask permission to see if they’re interested in hearing some of the drawbacks of OSMP. But still acknowledging that it is an option if they choose to move forward with it.
So you could phrase this thanks so much for sharing your experiences with me. I’ve done quite a bit of research on those epic and results have been mixed. Would you mind, or would you be open to hearing about some of these findings now? Of course, this is not me trying to convince you one way or the other.
I just want to make sure you’re able to make a fully informed choice. If you would still like to make the choice to use those epic after our discussion today, I am here to support you in that. And then validating as much as possible if they decided not to proceed or if they decide to proceed. So here’s an example of what this might sound like. I commend you for reflecting on your weight loss journey and being open to exploring what works best for you and your overall wellbeing.
It takes a lot of courage to reevaluate our choices and just to make adjustments. I’m here to support you every step of the way as we find a sustainable and balanced approach that aligns with your goals. But again, if they decide to proceed, that is their right. That is their choice. We can then use validation to affirm that we will help them with strategies to make the weight loss sustainable.
If, and when they decide to discontinue the drug all right. So how is that different from how you might have addressed this case originally? And this is really where the meat and potatoes comes from, right? We want to make sure that you can implement and utilize the information that you’re learning to do things differently.
So what is one thing that you would take away from this scenario and you would implement with your own clients? So. Maybe it’s this idea of taking a step back and looking at a bigger picture opportunity. For counseling versus just diving into telling somebody what, right. Maybe it’s finding a way to help someone come to their own conclusions on things.
Maybe it’s trying to experiment with asking one of the questions, the guided discovery questions that, that have been outlined above. Maybe it’s asking permission to share about your findings from your own research. which one of those do you feel would be easiest for you to start to implement? And that’s really the most important thing here is just picking one thing and starting to work with it, starting to experiment with it, starting to run with it. Okay.
If you are interested in joining us for the DSE nutrition, counseling and coaching program. We would love to have you join the wait list. It’s in the description of this episode. March 18th, 2024, depending on when you’re listening to this is going to be our pre-launch period. And then March 25th to 29th will be our launch period. Pre-launch period, you will have the opportunity to take advantage of a promo code. And those on the wait list will be sent the promo code.
So make sure to join the wait list. If you are interested. We are also running two open houses next week. So if you’re on the wait list, you’ll receive emails about those. Those are an opportunity for you to just come pop on to zoom during a 30 minute session. And just ask us any questions that you have at all about the program. You can come at any point during the 30 minutes, you don’t have to stay for the whole time.
You can just pop on two minutes, ask us question pop off. Lastly, If you are thinking, Hey, I have some professional development funds through my employer, and this is a great opportunity to spend some of those funds. We have a letter template that you can use for your employer to cover the cost of this program. So we have a template you can use, so you don’t have to write it yourself again, that has been linked below this podcast episode. All right.
Well, I hope that you enjoyed that and have an awesome week and we will see you next Thursday.