DSC was created for you, dietitian.

We believe that in order to make positive, lasting change in the field of dietetics, we need to support our profession to build and develop their expertise. The nutrition field is constantly changing and evolving, you shouldn’t have to manage that alone. That’s why we offer an affordable membership to provide widespread access to our materials to dietitians, dietetic students and nutritionists around the globe.

DSC is committed to providing you with high quality, evidence-based content. We have spent the last two years striving to develop a gold standard process for content development and review. Our goal is to create a process that allows us to 1. Keep up with the ever-changing needs of nutrition practitioners, 2. Create content that reflects relevant nutrition issues in a timely manner and 3. Create content that can be easily updated as new research and evidence is released.

Here is our current content development process:

Needs are identified

We make is easy for our members to request content. We prioritize our content development based on what our members tell us they need. We release new content monthly.

Content development

Once a topic is identified, our Registered Dietitian Content Manager starts to develop  handouts, course content, resources & evidence reviews using the most up-to-date, high quality evidence-based nutrition information and current best practice recommendations.

Practice-based review

Once content is developed,
we work with a Registered Dietitian with at least 5 years of practice-based experience in that area to review the content, review references and add practice based case studies.

Technical review

Once practice review is complete, our Technical Review process begins whereby we do a final edit and assessment to make sure numerical values, spelling, grammar and references are all correct.

At DSC, we operate by four core values:


We do things differently. We believe that the evolution of dietetics is in our hands and it is up to us to create the future we want. We are unafraid to take the lead and pave the way.


We have a zero tolerance policy for disrespect in our community. We hold our content creators and community to a high standard. Employing dietitians and reinvesting back into the profession is a top priority for us.

Evidence-Based Nutrition

We are a gathering space for ALL dietitians and dietetic students, regardless of your practice area or expertise. We aim to present evidence-based nutrition content that is free from bias, based on what the current literature is telling us.


We welcome feedback and incorporate member comments into our resource development. We also take resource requests from our members, to ensure you are getting the support you need.

The DSC Team

DSC currently includes 3 core team members. We also work with countless dietitians on a contract basis. Reinvesting back into the dietetics profession and employing dietitians is a priority for us.

Krista Kolodziejzyk, RD, MPH, MBA

Founder & CEO of Dietitian Success Center Inc.

Krista is a Registered Dietitian and the founder of DSC. She has a Masters degree in Public Health Nutrition from the University of Toronto and a Masters degree in Business Administration from the University of Guelph. She is a huge proponent of making forward progress in the field of dietetics and loves to challenge the status quo.

Krista is an endurance athlete, and completed her first Ironman triathlon in September 2021. She LOVES baking and hiking with her husband, her baby (Sunny) and dog (Chandler – yes, named after the Friends character!)

Krista’s role: As the founder of DSC, Krista’s role is to outline the strategic direction for the company and ensure that we are making our mission come to life. She also develops the marketing strategy for DSC, including social media, blogging, word of mouth and The Dietitian Success podcast.

Favorite foods: Pizza and funfetti birthday cake

Favorite DSC resource: I learned SO much from the fertility and hormone content we have. I also love the Ultimate Nutrition Business Checklist, because it provides a super comprehensive but simple step-by-step pathway for nutrition entrepreneurs.

Olivia Farrow, RD, MHSc

Olivia Farrow, RD, MHSc

Content Manager for Dietitian Success Center Inc.

Olivia is a Registered Dietitian and holds a Master of Health Science in Nutrition Communication. She loves designing client handouts and translating research into ready-to-use dietitian resources for DSC. She also has a private practice and online courses for infant & toddler nutrition. Olivia is also a mom of two little boys and loves cooking, reading and growing food in her garden.

Olivia’s role: As the Content Manager, Olivia primarily manages DSC nutrition content creation. She utilizes her clinical background and skillset in patient-focused communication to develop client materials. She also consults subject matter expert RD’s where necessary to ensure that DSC content is reviewed and evidence based.

Favorite Foods: Chocolate and freshly picked strawberries – even better when combined!

Favorite DSC Resource: I learned so much from the Intuitive Eating course!

Maria Dellanina, RDN

Operations Manager for Dietitian Success Center Inc.

Like all dietitians, Maria is about balance & variety – whether it’s with her food choices or career choices! Since becoming a dietitian, Maria has worked in food product development, nutrition counseling, and behind the scenes on web and course development for other companies. Maria also speaks with students at her alma mater, Dominican University, to help break down the Dietetic Internship matching process. She completed her Dietetic Internship through California Polytechnic State University- SLO.

Maria’s role: As the Operations Manager for DSC, Maria helps to ensure that the membership experience is incredible. When there’s a problem or a process that needs to be solved, Maria’s on it.

Favorite Foods: Pasta, mango, & Greek yogurt.

Favorite DSC Resource: This is TOUGH. I have to go with the private practice forms and documents from Business Setup Part 2- they made starting and maintaining my practice a BREEZE.

Our Review Team

When necessary, we consult with dietitians who have specific subject matter expertise to help us review and update our content.

Joan Marks Headshot_Dietitian Success Center

Joan Marks, BASc, RD

Joan brings over 28 years of dietitian experience to the table. She currently owns and operates Dietista, a private nutrition consulting practice based in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Areas of practice include pediatric nutrition (autism, constipation, growth concerns, picky eating), medical nutrition therapy for adults (fatty liver, high cholesterol, obesity, type 2 diabetes, other), menopause, and weight management.


Instagram: @yourdietista

Tiffany Champagne-Langabeer Headshot

Tiffany Champagne-Langabeer, PhD, RDN, LD

Dr. Tiffany Champagne-Langabeer, has spent the past 3 decades working with clients in varied settings. She has a passion for integrating non-traditional modalities into her functional nutrition practice, Sunrise Integrative Nutrition. When not seeing clients, she conducts health research and teaches hundreds of medical, nursing, and graduate students each year as an Associate Professor.

She works with pediatrics and adults challenged with chronic health conditions in her insurance-based practice. She utilizes a whole-person approach, incorporating sleep, daily movement, environmental exposures, spirituality, daily mood, and stress level in addition to diet as required points to gain a complete picture of her client’s overall wellness. She is board certified in Integrative and Functional Nutritional (IFNCP) and Mental Health and Integrative Medicine (CMHIMP).


Instagram: @eatwithsunrise

Trista Chan Dietitian

Trista Chan, RD, MHsc

Trista Chan is a Registered Dietitian and Founder of The Good Life Dietitian, a nutrition clinic that supports patients diagnosed with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome and other reproductive conditions to find relief from symptoms through the power of good food.

She believes true nourishment isn’t simply planning your next meal – it’s implementing sustainable nutrition practices that are healing for physical, mental and emotional health.

Trista received a Master of Health Science in Nutrition Communication and Bachelor of Applied Science in Applied Human Nutrition. Her work has been featured in The Washington Post, CBC, Healthline, Shape Magazine and more. Outside of work, you can find her cooking up new recipes, travelling and spending quality time with loved ones.

Instagram @thegoodlifedietitianwww.thegoodlifedietitian.com
Teresa Maiorano Headshot

Teresa Maiorano, RD, BSc

Teresa is a Registered Dietitian and the founder of Live and Love Nutrition.  She has a Bachelor’s degree in Food Science from the University of Guelph and a Bachelor’s degree in Food and Nutrition from the Toronto Metropolitan University.  Teresa specializes in Fertility and Prenatal care, including weight and condition management, to both couples and individuals to help them reach their goal(s).

Teresa loves to cook and is passionately working on her first Fertility cookbook (send love and advice if you have it!). She loves to entertain for friends and family and also enjoys strength training,  walking her dog and spending time with her 2 kids.

Favourite foods:  anything that offers a new flavour experience! Right now, it’s vegan desserts and saucy sandwiches!

Teresa loves to connect with other RDs, so reach out and say Hi

[email protected].


Instagram :@liveandlovenutrition


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Kim Tirapelle Headshot

Kim Tirapelle, MS, RD, CSSD

Kim is a Bariatric Sports Dietitian and owns a virtual private practice, Active Bariatric Nutrition, where she helps bariatric athletes optimize their nutrition to meet their fitness goals. Kim has been a practicing dietitian for 16 years working in both the clinical and outpatients settings, as well as working with athletes of all levels, including collegiate and professional athletes. Kim is a Certified Specialist in Sports Dietetics. In her spare time, she loves being with her husband and three kids, and you can usually find her at a local field or gym cheering them on in their events.

You can learn more about Kim’s business at www.activebariatricnutrition.com or listen to her podcast, the Active Bariatric Nutrition podcast wherever you listen to your podcasts. You can also reach her directly on her Instagram page: @ActiveBariatric

Erin M'Larkey Headshot

Erin M’Larkey, RD, CDE

Erin obtained her degree in Applied Human Nutrition at the University of Guelph, followed by a dietetic internship at St. Michael’s Hospital, where she worked for almost a decade as a clinical dietitian. Eager for more learning, she pursued her Master of Public Health with a Collaborative Specialization in Women’s Health at the University of Toronto.

Eventually craving a change of pace, she returned to her hometown and turned her passion side project, Kitchen Witch Nutrition, into a nutrition consulting business. She also works full-time as a Certified Diabetes Educator in her community.

As for the witch part…

She has always loved them, and their association with the natural world. Food itself is powerful in how it nourishes both our body and soul, and she likes to think this influence is a little bit of witchcraft. Check out Erin’s website at  https://kitchenwitchnutrition.com

Instagram: @kitchenwitch.nutrition

Krystyn Parks Headshot

Krystyn Parks, MS, RD, IBCLC

Krystyn completed her Bachelor’s Degree in Nutrition with an emphasis in child development through California Polytechnic State University in San Luis Obispo and completed her Masters Degree in Nutritional Science with a focus in exercise physiology and nutrition at California State University Long Beach.

She began her career doing consulting at several skilled nursing facilities and an adult daycare center. Now she focuses most of her time on pediatric nutrition with her own company, Feeding Made Easy, LLC. She works with parents of kids ages 0-3 on all things feeding: breastfeeding, formula, introducing solids, introducing allergens, and preventing picky eating. She has authored 2 books on the topic: Formula Feeding Guide: Your go-to Resource for All Things Formula Feeding and Introducing Allergens: A game plan for introducing the top 9 allergens to your baby which are available on Amazon.


Instagram: @feeding_made_easy

Hailie Kuttler Headshot

Hailie Kuttler, RD, IFNCP

In her virtual private practice, Trailblazer Integrative & Functional Nutrition, Hailie provides personalized nutrition consulting that utilizes a ‘food first’ approach in exploring the root cause of chronic digestive symptoms. She specializes in supporting clients with digestive conditions, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), celiac disease (CD), and small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO).

In her free time, you can find her backpacking in the Sawtooths, trail running in the Boise foothills, or at the bark park with her two labs.

Learn more about Hailie’s practice at https://www.trailblazerifn.com/ or say hi on Instagram! @boisedietitian

Grace Laced Wellness

Christa Smith, MS, RD

Christa is a Registered Dietitian specializing in sports and human performance nutrition as well as gut disorders. She holds a Master of Clinical Nutrition from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center and her Diploma in Sports Nutrition from the International Olympic Committee. She works with athletes of all ages and abilities and particularly focuses on those with nagging gut issues. She herself has Inflammatory Bowel Disease and enjoys staying active as well as cooking and being with her family. She deeply understands what it’s like to have a chronic condition while trying to navigate life! Christa has been a dietitian for nearly 10 years and loves to bring practical strategies to athletes to help manage their conditions and help them perform at their best.  www.gracelacedwellness.com Instagram: @christasmithnutrition Connect on LinkedIn
Susan Colavito

Susan Colavito, MS, RD

Susan is a Registered Dietitian specializing in kidney disease, diabetes, and gut disorders. She holds a Bachelor of Nutrition from Rutgers University and a Master of Nutrition from Central Michigan University.  Susan has completed her Dietetic Internship at the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey.  She has been in the field of dietetics for over 20 years and has had the opportunity to work in acute care, outpatient clinics, community programs, dialysis, and homecare.  Susan works with women who have diabetes so that they can eat all the foods they enjoy without guilt in her virtual private practice.  When she is not helping her clients and patients live their best lives, you can find her on her yoga mat, gardening, hiking, and enjoying the company of her West Highland White Terriers.



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Kristen Bricko Headshot

Kristen Bricko, RD, IBCLC

Kristen is a Registered Dietitian and International Board-Certified Lactation Consultant. She has almost 10 years’ experience as a dietitian working in outpatient and public health settings.  Her passion lies within her most recent, and current experience as the WIC Coordinator, working with women (pregnant and postpartum), infants, and children. Having two small children herself, she takes a real-life approach to help guide other women on their nutrition for motherhood and lactation journeys. Her dream was to reach more women within her community, so in 2022 she started her own private practice, Mama B Nourished; specializing in prenatal and postpartum nutrition, lactation support and infant feeding.

Her greatest accomplishment is being a mom, and in her free time she is with her kids and husband, cooking, being active, and catching up with friends or family.


Instagram: @mamabnourished

Connect on LinkedIn 

Headshot Chloe Bierbower

Chloe Bierbower, RD

Chloe Bierbower is the owner and founder of her private practice, Nutrition by Chloe, PLLC, where she provides nutrition counseling to support fertility, pregnancy, and postpartum. She earned her bachelor’s degree in dietetics from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and completed her dietetic internship at Ingalls Memorial Hospital. With eight years of experience in the field, Chloe is deeply committed to helping new and prospective parents achieve their nutrition and health goals. She believes evidenced-based nutrition counseling should be accessible and convenient especially during the perinatal period when proper nourishment is crucial.


Instagram: @nutrition_by_chloe

Bailey Franklyn Headshot

Bailey Franklyn, RD

Bailey is a Registered Dietitian, and owner of Harvest Table Nutrition, a private practice offering nutrition coaching and curated culinary experiences. With a focus on plant-based nutrition, Bailey helps health conscious people improve their cooking skills and makes healthy eating easier. Website: https://www.harvesttablenutrition.ca/ Instagram: @harvesttablenutrition
Kristen Garland Headshot

Kristen Garland,

Kristen Garland, MAN, RD, CDE is a passionate Registered Dietitian, Certified Diabetes Educator and health and wellness advocate with a Masters degree in Applied Nutrition. After 20+ years building a career in corporate, she has a sound background in strategic planning, skills development and customer service that transfers well to providing services and support to clients and families facing challenges, or just looking to expand their knowledge and approach to nutrition, health and wellness. After her daughter was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes, Kristen decided to follow a different professional path and pursue her passion in dietetics. In her private practice, Kristen supports patients from all walks of life, in all phases and stages, experiencing any number of health, digestive or chronic disease management challenges. Her specialty is educating and supporting people living with diabetes. Her specialized skill set in diabetes care supporting patients who are newly diagnosed or requiring complex care is supplemented by over 20 years of lived experience with chronic disease management.

www.therealdeal.ca and/or www.t1dacademy.ca  Connect on LinkedIn
Rachel Hilts Headshot

Rachel Hilts, RD

Rachel is a registered dietitian specializing in women’s health, fertility and pregnancy. Her mission is to help her clients have a healthy relationship with food while teaching the fundamentals of nutrition to reach their health and reproductive goals.

Rachel’s combined her passion for prenatal nutrition and women’s health with additional training in eating disorders and intuitive eating. She works to support people in their goals of balancing hormones, improving fertility, increasing energy, reducing pain and supporting a healthy pregnancy. She does her work in a safe, non-judgmental space, without food-shame or guilt.

She completed her Bachelor of Science in Applied Human Nutrition with a Dietetics major from Mount Saint Vincent University in Halifax, NS before completing an integrated internship program at Nova Scotia Health Authority and the North End Community Health Centre. Through her education, she realized the huge impact that food and nutrition can have on improving health and changing lives. She believes this to be especially true during the preconception and pregnancy stages of life.

You can learn more about Rachel and her practice at: www.rachelhiltsnutrition.com or on Instagram @rachelhiltsnutrition

Gabriela Puche, RD, MS, RYT-200

Gabriela “Gabby” Puche is originally from Venezuela and is currently based out of Tulsa, OK. Gabby obtained her BS from Texas Woman’s University and completed her MS/DI at Oklahoma State University. She is a holistic and integrative dietitian working virtually for a corporate wellness company. She does virtual 1:1 counseling and group presentations to various populations as Gabby accumulates her hours to sit for the Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist (CDCES) exam. Gabby is certified in Mindfulness and is also a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT-200). She loves cats, plants, and reality TV.  Connect on LinkedinInstagram: @gabbyisafoodie

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For evidence-based articles to help you learn and develop.

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courses you get with your membership options.

We regularly release new courses so you will always stay on top of the latest research and trends.

Free client resource bundle

Click here to download a ready-to-use client resource bundle, including IBS, the low FODMAP diet and intuitive eating.