Sports Nutrition

What is included?– Patient Handout: Eat More Protein– Benefits of protein– Tips to get enough protein– Protein sources and meal...
In this article, we will delve into the world of CGM for non diabetics, the reasons behind its use and...
What is included?– Carbs for sports nutrition– Carbohydrate needs for sports– Carb loading
What is included?– Before training, during training, after training, meal ideas– Strength competition food ideas– Weight training, resistance exercise, muscle...
What is included?– Hydration recommendations for sports, athletes, exercise– Fluid timing and amounts– Signs of dehydration– Tips to avoid rehydration–...
What is included?– Summary of sports nutrition, athletes, exercise– Exercise physiology– Energy needs calcualtions– Macronutrient needs– Carbohydrates– Sports injuries– Hydration...
What is included?– Guide to protein powder types– Where to use protein powder
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In this video course, you will learn the basics of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism as a foundation for sports nutrition,...
What is included?– Guide to supplements for athletes, exercise– BCAAs, caffeine, creatine, electrolytes, beta-alanine, collagen, vitamin D, iron, whey protein
What is included?– Sports nutrition calculations cheat sheet– Calculating calorie, carbohydrates, protein, and fat needs for athletes– Hydration (fluid) requirements...